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Public Sector

Public Sector

Public Sector

Through our understanding of how the public sector works, we work to deliver measurable results and support key decision-makers in the sector.

National Government Entities

National government entities face constant pressure, from limited financing to increasing demand for greater accountability. Our teams are committed to helping government entities serve the public while meeting demands for accountability through our audit, tax and advisory services.

County Government Entities

We offer county government entities with solutions that address specific challenges they face. Working with us means getting services from a team that promotes transparency and accountability ensuring value for money for local communities.

State corporations

Due to the diversity of our experience, we have the ability to deliver on the most challenging issues with state corporations across all sectors. Our innovative solutions enable us to provide our clients with useful feedback aimed at optimizing their operations.

Large NGOS

We partner with large NGOs to ensure transparency and accountability as they deliver services to the people. Our presence in Kenya and abroad enables us to incorporate different solutions for different challenges across a wide range of programs.

Government Funded Projects

To ensure government-funded projects are delivered on time and within the set budget, we work with a dedicated team of experts with experience in specific areas of government business. We provide our clients with a full range of audit tax and advisory services to offer direction and guidance as they handle their day-to-day activities.